The Learning Analytics and AI for Education research group at Stockholm University

Forskning om learning analytics och artificiell intelligens i utbildning vid Stockholms Universitet

Received a grant from the Swedish Research Council for the establishment of a Nordic Network for AI in Education

We are happy to announce that Jalal Nouri together with Professor Linda Mannila (University of Helsinki), Professor Peter Parnes (LTU) and Charlotta Hilli (Åbo Akademi) received a grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR) for establishing a Nordic Network for AI in Educacation (NordicEdAI – ett nordiskt tvärvetenskapligt nätverk kring AI inom utbildningen)

Best paper nomination at Ectel 2023

Proud to announce that we received the best paper nomination for the paper “A Transformer-Based Approach for the Automatic Generation of Concept-Wise Exercises to Provide Personalized Learning Support to Students” 

The paper was accepted In: Eighteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. EC-TEL 2023

Authors: Afzaal, M., Nouri, J., & Zia, A

Several AI papers in top journals and conferences

We are happy to announce that the research group has achieved several AI papers in top journals and conferences during the spring. Here are some references:

Li, X., Henriksson, A., Nouri, J., Duneld, M., & Wu, Y. (2023). Linking Swedish Learning Materials to Exercises through an AI-enhanced Recommender System. Accepted In: Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 13th International Conference. Cham: Springer International Publishing

Afzaal, M., Nouri, J., & Zia, A. (2023). A Transformer-Based Approach for the Automatic Generation of Concept-Wise Exercises to Provide Personalized Learning Support to Students. Accepted In: Eighteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. EC-TEL 2023

Wu, Y., Henriksson, A., Duneld, M., Nouri, J.(2023). Towards Improving the Reliability and Transparency of ChatGPT for Educational Question Answering. Accepted In: Eighteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. EC-TEL 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Afzaal, M., Nouri, J., Zia, A., & Fors, U. (2023). Informative Feedback and Explainable AI- based Recommendations to Support Students’ Self-regulation. Technology, Knowledge and Learning

Wu, Y., Henriksson, A., Nouri, J., Duneld, M., Li, X. (2023). Retrieving Key Topical Sentences with Topic-Aware BERT When Conducting Automated Essay Scoring. In: , et al. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 12th International Conference. MIS4TEL 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 580. Springer

Paper accepted in Frontiers in AI

Happy to announce that we got a journal paper accepted in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence!

Link to paper:

Afzaal M, Nouri J, Zia A, Papapetrou P, Fors U, Wu Y, Li X and Weegar R (2021). Explainable AI for Data-Driven Feedback and Intelligent Action Recommendations to Support Students Self-Regulation. Front. Artif. Intell. 4:723447. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.723447

3 papers accepted in AIED and 3 in ICALT

We are happy that we got in total 6 papers accepted in two interesting conferences, the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education and the International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. All six papers addressed topics within the field of AI for Education.

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