Forskning om learning analytics och artificiell intelligens i utbildning vid Stockholms Universitet

Author: jalal (Page 2 of 3)

Ken Larsson successfully defended his thesis

Ken Larsson successfully defended his thesis the 26th of August. Title of thesis: Managing Thesis Projects in Higher Education Through Learning Analytics.

Opponent: Daniel Spikol

Grading Committee:

  • Professor Ola Lindberg
  • Associate Professor Terese Stenfors
  • Associate Professor Stefan Ekencrantz
  • Supervisors: Jalal Nouri (main) and Jelena Zradkovic (co).

Paper accepted at LAK 2020

We got a paper accepted to LAK 2020 (10th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference) which will take place in Frankurt.

Saqr, M & Nouri, J. (2020). High resolution temporal network analysis to understand and improve collaborative learning. 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK20) to be held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, March 23-27, 2020.

Funding from VR (Swedish Research Council)

Super exciting, we got funding for a 4-year project from Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) to conduct research on learning analytics and the application of machine learning in educational settings!

The project starts in january 2020.

Researchers: Jalal Nouri, Panagiotis Papapetrou, Mohammad Saqr and Thashmee Karunaratne

Best paper award at ICETI 2019

We received the best paper award for our paper presented at the International Conference of Education, Training and Informatics. See reference below.

Nouri, J., Saqr, M & Fors, U. (2019). Predicting performance of students in a flipped classroom using machine learning: towards automated data-driven formative feedback. 10th International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI 2019).


Two papers accepted at the European Conference of Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) 2019

The Learning Analytics Group got two papers accepted in ECTEL 2019:

  1. Nouri, J., Larsson, K., & Saqr, M. (2019). Identifying factors for master thesis completion and non-completion through learning analytics and machine learning. In proceedings of 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL).
  2. Saqr, M., Nouri, J. & Jormanainen, I. (2019). A learning analytics study of the effect of group size on social dynamics and performance in online collaborative learning. In proceedings of 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL).

Successful PhD defence by Mohammed Saqr

Mohammed Saqr successfully defended his thesis “Using Learning Analytics to Understand and Support Collaborative Learning” the 22nd October. Professor Barbara Wasson from the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (University of Bergen) acted as opponent and she did a great job in both enlighting the audience about the field of Learning Analytics as well as shedding light on the contributions of Mohammeds thesis to the field.

Grading committee: Associate professor Luis Pablo Prieto Santos (Tallin University), Associate professor Mona Lundin (Gothenbourg University) and Professor Tore West (Stockholm University)

Supervisors: Uno Fors and Jalal Nouri

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